Friday, November 13, 2009

Sadie Hawkins Dance!

Next Friday on Nov, 20Th at the Tioga High School Gym the senior class and our own Tim King will be hosting the Sadie Hawkins: Bring back the 80's dance!
The will be held from 7:00 P. M to 11:00 P.M., so you have four hours to party down to classical rock and other 80's tunes!
Prices for the dance are $7.00 for one person and $12.00 for a couple so that means a dating couple can have a good time, while its in their budget!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


We here at Tioga High School are giving a shout out to the Twice as Nice discount store for their contributions to the school!
Thanks Twice as Nice!

Monday, November 2, 2009

"King Tut" Field Trip Thursday!

This Thursday is the date that a select number of Tioga High School students shall set out for San Francisco, to visit the famous de young Museum and see the King Tutankhamen and the Pharaoh's of Egypt exhibition! Afterwards said students will head off to Pier 39 on the fisherman's wharf for lunch and/or dinner as well as to look around the famous Pier and all of its stores!
We leave at 7:00 A.M Exactly and we arrive back at school at around 8:00 P. M., so be sure to come early and bring money for lunch/dinner.
Be sure to bring in money for food and souvenirs, and another note: for those of you lucky students interested in visiting the "Aquarium of the Bay" on Pier 39, it will cost around Seventeen dollars per admission, and is one of the must see attractions on Pier 39 so its well worth the price of admission.