Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Here at Tioga, we are anticipating our spring STAR testing coming up soon! These last two years, our scores have been a little rough due to the issues that many of our students have been stressed about, but this year we expect great improvement. The students are diligently preparing by studying up and taking practice tests which will be very helpful. I’m sure that this year our scores will shoot through the roof!

It is finally spring!

Here at Tioga High School we are enjoying the sunny weather and the beautiful aromas of spring. After a tough winter up on the hill, we are all ready for summer and spring is just one closer to that time of the year. The seniors are ecstatic for graduation and starting new lives in different places. For the Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors, they are preparing for the statewide STAR tests. This test will prove that throughout the trouble with budget cuts, our teachers have still performed well and have taught our students tremedously.

The Heart of Tioga!!!

As a student here at Tioga High school I would like to tell the school board why we should keep Mrs. Bradley, and why she is so important to us. Mrs. Bradley makes such a huge impact on every student that has attended the high school. Mrs. Bradley has been here for fourteen years and every student that has came though this scool has a wonderful story to tell about her. At the board meeting on March 22nd, there were amazing letters written about her from students from the past...did the board listen? I guess we will have to wait and see. Mrs. Bradley has changed everyone's world and she believes in everyone of her students, no matter what. She will push them as hard as she can so they will walk with their class on Grad night. Mrs. Bradley is there for the best and worst of times for each of her students. She loves them all with all her heart, and she has a story for each one of them. Mrs. Bradley is the heart of Tioga; without her here we would fall apart!!

Cori Sanchez
Junior '11

Monday, March 1, 2010

Softball Home Schedule

Tuesday-March 16th Bret Harte Tioga 3:30
Friday-March 26th Stone Ridge Tioga 5:30
Friday-April 9th Millenium Tioga 3:00
Tuesday-April 13 Jim Elliot Tioga 3:30
Tuesday-April 20th Mt. Oaks Tioga 3:30
Thursday-April 29th Brookside Tioga 3:30
Firday-May 7th Venture Tioga 3:30
Tuesday-May 11th Big Valley Tioga 3:30

Baseball Home Schedule

Friday-March 12th Summerville Tioga 3:30
Friday-March 26th Stone Ridge Tioga 5:30
Friday-April 9th Millenium Tioga 3:00
Monday-April 12th Jim Elliot Tioga 5:30
Tuesday-April 20th Mt. Oaks Tioga 5:30
Thursday-April 29th Brookside Tioga 3:30
Tuesday-May 4th ROP Tioga 3:30
Tuesday-May 11th Big Valley Tioga 3:30